Posts Tagged 'instagram update'

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Instagram Privacy Settings - Internet Safety for Children

The best setting there is Private. Setting up Instagram for online safety.
Here are the steps for setting up Instagram's private profile setting it done, for iPhone and Android Phones: This way only invited friends can enjoy your Instagram.

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Instagram new Threads 'Auto Status' option isn't great, here's why

Instagram Threads is a new feature in its 'Close Friends' option. The new 'Auto Status' facility is causing a stir. It tells people (close friends) 
1. Where you are 
2. What you are doing 
3. Possibly, your mood | Note - Even when you are not using Instagram but in a passive mode. Instagram says you have to enable it, so what!

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Internet Safety win over Instagram

Is it possible that the internet is being taken back by a silent majority who is finally making its voice heard, expressing its dismay about internet safety and the shocking content found on some platforms.

Following some menacing threats from the British Government, Health Secretary Matt Hancock pressured Facebook into announcing that Instagram would intervene and take down self-harm content. 

Is this the start of something big or simply a cynical defense move?

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