Blended Cyber Services

Blended Service | Solutions, Service & Consulting 

Reduced Threat Service, Hardened Defence & Lower Costs
That's our promise

EU NIS2 DirectiveBlended service reducing client costs for cyber security & cyber insurance

It's time for a new approach? New Blended Service

More threat protection, hardened surface, lower costs!

These cybersecurity regulations aim to minimise cyber risks and enhance protection, and dangers arising from frequent changes or new regulations impact organisational response strategies


  • Cyber Risk Strategy Development
  • Framework (NIST & other) Management
  • Incident Response Management
  • Cloud & 3rd Party Risk Management
  • ISO (& other) Certification Processes 

Disaster Recovery

  • Backup
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Disaster Simulation Testing
  • ISO 23001 Certification

EU Compliance

  • DORA, NIS2 & GDPR Compliance
  • Records & Policy Management
  • Data Protection Impact Assessments
  • Data Breach Management

Useful Links

An EU cybersecurity regulation directive safeguarding information technology and computer systems forces companies and organisations to protect their systems and information from cyberattacks like viruses, worms, Trojan horses, phishing, denial of service (DOS) attacks, unauthorised access (stealing intellectual property or confidential information) and control system attacks.

Are you looking for NIS2 compliance Experts? 

Talk to us Today!

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