Cyber Insurance

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Cyber Insurance 
For Business

Business Cyber Cover - What’s included?

Our insurance provides cover to match. It covers direct losses to your business, response costs, includes any fees for recovery services.

Cyber insurance cover entails:

Protection against privacy investigations
Recover reputational damage
Forensic investigations for data recovery, and includes legal advice
Notifying regulators properly
Replace damaged equipment 
Indemnity for losses incurred if your supplier faces a breach
Consulting Services
Virus liability support if accused
Support with crime, including hacking, theft and employee fraud
Optional, tailored business interruption benefit – Conditions apply

Cyber Insurance. We will help you get the best cover

Get the #1 Best quote today


Your best customer just received an email from you, which you didn't send. What's Next?

Make sure your organisation's emails are received as sent, not changed by criminals, or interfered with in any way. So your customers, suppliers, partners and employees never get an email you did not send. Defending your email integrity, and sender reputation every day


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Posted by Graham Mulhern on Thursday, April 18, 2024 Views: 1190