From monthly archives: August 2019

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'August 2019'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

APPChat Day Seminar Online Safety, Social Media for Parents, Guardians, 7th Sept

A day seminar, Saturday 7th Sept on the important topic of social media, online safety. Our company runs 100’s of Schools talks annually in the UK and Ireland around this subject, bringing fresh thinking and an alternative point of view.

Schools and Teachers have been left to deal with this on their own, many Teachers resent this, in both primary and post primary Schools because there are so many sensitive embracing topics Sexting, Hate messaging, cyber bullying, Snapchat incidents etc. 

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CyberAttack Update for Business. 95% of all breaches could have been prevented.

It’s said that conservatively 2 million cyberattacks took place in 2018 costing an estimated $45 billion in damages worldwide.

Most experts place this figure much higher, as many still don’t reports attacks or payments. Prevention and Protection are the best way to protect your business. 


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