
Be Secure Online Blog

From category archives: Be Secure Online

awareness training

Ransomware Demands. Do You Pay or not!

The decision to pay a ransomware demand is a huge one. Is it safe? Will we get access to our systems again if we pay? Should I negotiate? Will they come again for more money? Will we survive financially? What are the other unknown risks? 

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Building a Human Firewall

CyberSecurity Awareness Training builds the best cyber security you can get, a human firewall. People who know what they doing, what links not to click, staff who don't open suspicious emails, and staff who are sharp to the possibility of phishing, and malware. Staff who won't harm the organisation.


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You're the weakest link! 

I used to be insecure until I saw my password. No more cats' names, Birthdays are great but are not passwords. CR7 is an ageing footballer, not a password. Iloveyou, maybe but not a password.

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9 out of 10 cats said they preferred our Awareness Training 

Let's face it, for most people, a job is just a job, do the work, get paid, repeat. They have other things to do, to worry about, The employer's IT system is not one of them. So for 95% who don't care as you do, awareness training might be the only way.

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Awareness Training addresses the Elephant in the Room, Human error!

Awareness training for Cyber Security targets phishing, mobile devices, passwords, and remote working. Awareness training addresses the elephant in the room, which is human error causes nearly 90% of all hacks.

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