Internet Safety Talks for your Business & Employees

Social Media and Internet Security are a minefield for business, fail to appreciate this and the consequences could be devasting

We speak to business, sporting organisations, NGOs and Government about theses issues to build a great appreciation. We give engaging, concise talks and we're frequently interviewed in the media.

We advocate of reigning in big tech Facebook, Google, Alibaba before they get out of control like Banks, Pharmaceutical. We will help make your organisaiton much more aware of the cyber issues.

Contact us, for more information about our internet safety talks cyber security talks for business, or internet protection products online. Call us on 01 908 1588

Staff Wellbeing - Internet Safety

The World Health Organisation warns of drastic effects on society's wellbeing with most people spending up to 60% of their spare time online, ignoring personal safety. 

*55% of UK adults ignore online safety to their detriment, we address this in our talk. Could this be tied to the fact that 80% of UK adults barely take 30 minutes exercise a month.

It takes 25 minutes on average to refocus

If a staff member is not working but surfing the net, buying a ticket on Easyjet, RyanAir, Ticketmaster online. Once completed between comfort break, getting back to work takes on average 25 minutes, Employers and HR department need to fix this

That 25 minute plus re focus costs employers £53 each time. Source Insitute of Directors. 

Let's address this.   So what's reasonable? Whats fair for everybody. What's policy on personal phones in the office. Do people just pick them up everytime they receive a notification, what's the policy on phones in meetings.

Facebook leads to depression.

And Faceoook knows this well, the have the facts, hence their  'Time well spent' initiative where Facebook recognise drowsiness. slowed responsiveness on users side. It's understood that people who spend more time on Facebook are more likely to suffer from depression than those who spend less time on Facebook.

Filtering and viewing the world through social media affects communication skills, interpersonal relationships and self-esteem. Additionally, it leads to stress and affects our ability to cope with daily stressors.

Showing staff and business how safely use and control use of social media (especially Facebook) has several benefits. It's no one's fault, but it's vital that every business makes sure that their staff compliment is aware of the impact social media has on their lives.

Smart Phone, Dumb User

  • Employers need to ensure staff stay safe online, even at home.
  • Safe employees are happy productive employees
  • 5 quick tips to hugely improve online safety
  • I'm 20 something, I know everything. Really?

BeSecureOnline - Cyber Security Talks for Business

Contact us, to book a talk or for more information about our internet safety & cyber security talks for business and how we can help you protect your business online.

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