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Quick buck criminals can rent 'crime as service' for less than $10/hour. they're hitting businesses from far beyond PC Plods reach using data that cost even less
Popular tags: nord vpn teams, business vpn, vpn encryption, business vpn, nord vpn teams, vpn protects business
Ransomware, although surprisingly amateur sometimes, is very effective. It is business poison, a no-win situation. Pay, don't pay, no one is right. Governments don't usually pay but can afford to wait. Businesses do not have this luxury, can't afford to wait and pay. Most don't report the breach or ransomware attack to the relevant authorities, despite laws that require them to do so.
Popular tags: Bitdefender Total Security, internet security UK, Email Phishing, ransomware email, Google privacy, nord vpn teams
China owns as much as 70% of free VPN providers available online. All data processed in China is by law subject to inspection by the Goverment. Don't use free VPNs.
Popular tags: china, vpn china, censorship, great firewall, vpn for china, nord vpn teams, freedome vpn china, Email Phishing
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