My Client just got an email from me,
I didn't send!

July 16th 10:30
Sendmarc Email sender verification service


Our DMARC solution manages any number of domains and protectd them from abuse & the sending of fake emails.

Protect your domain from email impersonation, phishing, and spoofing

Automated, powerful DMARC, DKIM, and SPF control

  • Hornet Awareness Training

July 16th Running order

  1. 10:30 Chairman's Welcome & Speaker Introduction
  2. 10:35 Neil Sinclair Formerly London Met, GCHQ - The Threat Explained 
  3. 10:40 Domain Protection presentation
  4. 11:05 What are the benefits of using Hornet
  5. 11:09 Closing Remarks
  6. 11:10 Finish 


Your best customer just received an email from you, which you didn't send. What's Next?

Make sure your organisation's emails are received as sent, not changed by criminals, or interfered with in any way. So your customers, suppliers, partners and employees never get an email you did not send. Defending your email integrity, and sender reputation every day


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Posted by Graham Mulhern on Thursday, April 18, 2024 Views: 1190